Series of 103 drawings to color

About the free use of the content of 103dibujos

The content of 103 drawings is free to use, this means that the 103 drawings of the series, images and videos with the animations can be downloaded and reused, under a Creative Commons Recognition 4.0 International License that allows:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercially.

For example, you can use it personally, school, give it to someone or even modify it for the handling that you consider appropriate.

Remember that in the case of reusing or adapting the content of 103 drawings you will agree to comply with the term of:

Attribution — You must give proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in any way that suggests that you or your use is endorsed by Licensor.

That is, you can mention with a link to the individual drawing or to the site for example, the name of the 103dibujos series, and if you consider necessary you can also use the logo that is available to download at this link (ZIP, 0.34 MB).

Thank you very much for using the content of 103dibujos.

Remember that it is always nice to know in what form or medium you are using, you can communicate it in the contact section.